Get it On

This is the now infamous condom ad made for a pitch to Durex in the US. The ad is originally based on a shoot by photographer  and was made by .  There are also a few  from the ad on their website.


The campaign, which takes a decidedly comedic twist on encouraging the use of Durex Condoms is called Get it On, the same name as the New Zealand AIDS Foundation's newly launched campaign to promote condom use in New Zealand amongst those most at risk from HIV.

The New Zealand AIDS Foundation wants to build a condom culture across the whole country. Everyone can help by practising safe sex and encouraging the gay and bisexual men in their lives to make safe sex choices, be it their friends, whānau, workmates or colleagues.  Get it On! shows Aotearoa New Zealand wrapped safely in a condom and is a call to action to everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand to get behind the safe sex movement and to support those most at risk from HIV to protect themselves and their partners from HIV.  In New Zealand, gay and bisexual men are the group most at risk from HIV, followed by members of the African Communities.  Get it On! challenges everyone to commit to reducing HIV by supporting the gay and bisexual men in their lives to use Condoms and Lube every time they have anal sex.  It’s important to remember that everyone has a part to play in preventing new HIV infections.  Everyone can help by practising safe sex and encouraging the gay and bisexual men in their lives to make safe sex choices, be it their friends, whānau, workmates or colleagues.

It's a good thing Condoms don’t squeak in real life. Get free Durex Condoms from Get it On.

Credit to the following sites for info about the ad


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