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How did you lose your virginity?

First time fucked - Lesson learned

Post by Clint on 01 March 2010

I’m not sure what most people consider to be ‘losing your virginity’ as I’d done a lot of things over the period of several years in my teens.

This story is about the first time I let a guy fuck me.

Here I was in a public toilet in a random park, I was eighteen, in the closet, young and very naive.

I was with a guy I’d only just met via the net, who wasn’t at all what he said he was on his profile. I should have heard the warning bells but I wanted to be fucked and he was eager too.

So we started making out, gave each other a blowjob etc then he told me to turn around and open up. I asked him about lube and condom, he said he didnt use them cos it felt crap, I knew a little about safe sex to know we should use them but not enough to realise what I was risking. And so young and naive, I made the stupid decision to go ahead. The sex was good, but the whole time I kept thinking - What am I doing? What am I risking?

I spent the next few weeks worrying that I’d caught something and worst case scenario I’d caught HIV.

Eventually I went and got myself tested, luckily I was clear. But I’d learned my lesson. It’s not worth the risk, it’s not worth the worrying.

If you wanna get it on, then get it on!