How we get it on

How we get it on > Story

“i like to wear condoms stretched over my ears, ear muffs are expensive”

Geraldo, 15 October 2009 (My Body) Tags:

Jim, 15 October 2009

i am so going to do that.

Betty, 16 October 2009


THE MAN, 16 October 2009

wtf is up with that guy?????

LC, 17 October 2009

What the?!

Hayden, 18 October 2009

lol i stretch them over my head then blow it up with my nose =P

portaluke, 22 October 2009

i use to know a guy who would put a condom over his head and blow it up with his nose until it popped. rhyn candish, this one goes out to you

Pang, 24 October 2009

i choose to use it

GERALDO, 14 December 2009

you can wear them as gloves and other things too!

bdaotmkdrun, 16 December 2009

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How we get it on

“The great thing about using a condom for anal is that you can still have oral after pulling out by ...”

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