How we get it on

How we get it on > Bisexual

Read these!

“When I get it in the mood, my body craves the desire of being thrashed. Admitedly Doggy is the best you can get , after a good pussy licking and dick sucking -”

Closet Freak, 28 January 2010 (Bisexual) Tags: Sex - Heavy Duty

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“Convinced that I was lesbian and that condoms had no relevence to my lifestyle . I later came me to realise that I am in fact bisexual and though now within a stable relationship with a lovely man my lifestyle makes me very aware of my sexual health and the importance of putting safety before oppertunity! Vicky”

Vicky, 8 January 2010 (Bisexual, Relationships) Tags: Bi woman - threesomes - understanding partner

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“well one time me and some mates went out for a guys night we got really drunk and did P and ended up having gay sex with all 16 of us ONE DIP ONLY BOYS :p”

Joe, 29 September 2009 (Bisexual, Hooking up) Tags: drugs - first time

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“I had hot sex with a woman recently even though I came out 10years ago. I enjoyed and even took some Cialis but STILL couldn't get it up - so was definitely safe”

bish35, 12 September 2009 (Bisexual) Tags:

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“I love sitting in my garden with a cold beer, having a wank. Noone can see me, and it's just fantastic. It's the best, doin it outside!”

exhib28, 11 September 2009 (Bisexual, My Body) Tags: - -

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How we get it on

“This site is useless, Ive requested condom 4 times and never got ...”

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: @nikkikaye Happy birthday Nikki! Looking forward to seeing you at the Get it On! Big Gay Out on Sunday!