How we get it on

How we get it on > HIV / STIs

Read these!

“Someone just put me onto this site. I am fortunate that I have a medical condition which makes me health-conscious. I had conversation with 2 of my mates and they don’t worry about protection. Sexual health is important. Long term relationship can lull you into a sense of security; your partner mightn’t be aware they have anything. HPV and HIV can have terrible consequences.”

Queensland, 27 October 2009 (Straight, HIV / STIs) Tags: condoms - lube - testing

Comments (6)

“Hello why isn't there any forums for the cervical screening promotion. Perhaps someone here could respond to my interest even though this seems mainly to be about preventing the spread of the HIVirus. When HPV is spread people can also die from cervical cancer and anal cancer. So can a female get HPV that leads to cervical cancer from oral sex or anal sex iif the penis never went near the cervix?”

High Men, 30 September 2009 (HIV / STIs) Tags: HPV - STIs -

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How we get it on

“This site is useless, Ive requested condom 4 times and never got ...”

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: @nikkikaye Happy birthday Nikki! Looking forward to seeing you at the Get it On! Big Gay Out on Sunday!