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  • Proof in the pudding!

    This story goes back a few years, I had just turned 18. I grew up in a different world to this new embrace what you are accepting, loving everyone society that Auckland has these days. I come from a different country and a very tough gritty city. So I had to hide what I was for most of my life,

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  • Big Bang

    i was seventeen years old and had just met a new guy we had been together for about a week when one day i went to go pick him up. i was on my way up north and came to an intersection where a car was not looking where he was going and crashed into me i was so shocked when the accident happend we

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  • regretful

    Well I’d been dating this guy for all of two weeks in 9th grade before summer break. I didn’t particularly like the guy but it was one of those situations where ALL my friends kept saying how much he liked me and I should go out with him. I had to admit he did go the extra mile to make sure

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  • quiet ones are the best

    I met a group of girls in town, aotea square. they were all a bit drunk and loud, except one of them who was keeping to herself. now i read a few books so I was interested cause i know the quiet ones are usually the most fun.

    anyway we talked and i slowly drew her out of her shell, we kissed that

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  • Really? That’s what the fuss is about?

    So I’d been chasing a girl at college for two years but she had a jack-ass boyfriend. That said, I wouldn’t do anything with her while she was with him. So about a week after the course finishes she rings me to say she’s ended it and the next day she wants to see me to talk about it. I go pick her

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  • Never one to hold back…

    I was 16, it was New Year’s Eve, and I had only had my first kiss exactly one year before. For both my first kiss and my first ‘shag’ I kept putting them off because I wanted them to be perfect. Well patience is not a strong point of mine! And I tend not to do anything by half measures. My first

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  • Toilet paper

    Well on the night of my 18th birthday my family and i had organised a big party.

    There were so much people there family and friends i was watching everybody drink and dancing then i started getting bored.

    I thought to myself well maybe i should have a drink since it’s my birthday so it started

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  • “Sleeping Over” with my “Friend”

    Okay. I’ve definitely had a lot of sexual experiences before then, but because I define intercourse as anal sex, I would say that the first time lost my virginity was around the time I turned 17.

    See, I’ve always had a type A personality. I’m ambitious- I know what I want, and I do whatever it

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  • My first time was worse than the 2nd time

    on wednesdays we have late starts at skool. i was 15 and going around with the guy for a few weeks and i had felt he was a very horny guy, always touching and caressing. sometimes i felt uncomfortable but to me and having a boyfriend, this was the next step. i was very naive. well it went like

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  • Not going to that golf course again.

    It was nearly a month until my birthday, I was at a house party with a few friends. (and no I wasn’t drunk!) I got really bored of the party and decided to walk down to the Golf Course that was practically the back yard, so I was sitting there for about a half hour before i even noticed the guy

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